
Activity center
Activity center

activity center

I look forward to serving and providing our community with this much needed care.

activity center

The Sixth Annual Benefit Gala was the most successful fundraising event weve ever had thanks to all of our. Please bring your own basin, towel, clippers and foot cream. Thank you so much for supporting us this year.Foot soaks, nails clipped, and foot cream is applied. The foot care service includes a visual inspection of the feet, with prevention education on common foot conditions. Every six weeks appointments are recommended to keep our feet in good condition. Regular foot care and prevention is very important to our wellbeing. I have been providing much needed foot care in our community for several years. Please join me, Sue Mugford, LPN, for the Montpelier Senior Center foot care clinics.IMPORTANT: Foot clinics at MSAC are back!.Read our Central Vermont Tech Resources sheet.Upcoming Events: Come back for more events soon! See our calendar in the sidebar for the latest events.Upcoming Holidays: MSAC will be closed for the following holidays: Labor Day - Monday, September 4th.The City of Montpelier now has a YouTube channel! Subscribe today: MSAC eNews: We have recently updated our eNewsletters and if you haven't already, please subscribe using the form in the sidebar or on our publications page!.Our Summer Program Guide is now available.Donate below, or learn more on our donation page:.Become a member! Sign up by downloading the form and bringing it into our office at 58 Barre Street.

Activity center